Thomas Edison Charter School South
Wish Lists and Book Donations
If you own any appropriate books in good condition and would like to give them a new home, simply drop them off in the school library. If you’d like to purchase a new book for the library, you can click on one of the links below and chose a book from one of our wish lists. Our current wish list represents a selection of titles that are currently popular with students but is certainly not all-inclusive. If you have other books that you believe would be a good addition to the library, please feel free to inquire via email to Mandi Jenkins. Not all books are suitable for our school library, so all donations will be reviewed prior to inclusion in our collection. Please note: Books that cannot be used in the school library will not be added to the library catalog but will instead be donated to classroom libraries or a local charitable organization.
We have also created wish lists for our maker spaces as well as general items to enhance our annual week of magic.
These list were created as we are frequently asked what donated items would be most useful for us. Please don't feel obligated to purchase these items. They are merely here as as convenience for those interested. We have a dedicated budget that we use to buy items with each year. However, donations help us stretch that budget even further.
Wish lists are sorted by topic as much as possible to help you find a book your student would enjoy donating, sharing with others, and checking out.
We are always looking for and accepting used LEGO, K'Nex, origami paper, and duct tape for our maker space. Please consider donating old LEGO and K'Nex to the TECS library over dropping them off at a thrift store. Our students will certainly put them to good use!
We are sincerely grateful for your help and support.